A Final Update
This blog post isn't quite on topic. It will deal marginally about corruption, but that's not its primary topic. Instead, I'll be talking about something equally dangerous to our democracy (although one that is perfectly legal by the virtue of the First Amendment): propaganda. Perhaps you have seen the terrifyingly uncanny videos of local news anchors reading off the same script, word-for-word, about misinformation and bias in the media. If you haven't, or if you want to revisit the particular sort of horror that accompanies the downfall of democracy, I've linked a CNN clip about it below. (Watch the video from about :28-:50 for the clips). (I apologize for the irony found in the listing of a CNN video on an article about bias in media, since it is known to wax liberal , but it was the best recording of this bizarre occurrence). What made such a large group of local anchors, partnered with a variety of parent companies and in stations around the coun...